Introducing Mindfulness into the World Language Classroom
“Ding, ding, ding”. The bell rings and students exit the classroom as two students come up to you. One is concerned about their grade....

Talking about Race in the Spanish Classroom: Step one
In my first post about race, I shared a self-reflection on what it means to be a white teacher in a diverse school and the...

Talking about Race in the Spanish Classroom: Introduction
This is a very personal post and one I am wanting to share as I believe that through conversations and sharing of my own experiences and...

My Reflection's from LILL: Leadership Growth and Action Plans
I recently attended LILL, Leadership Initiative for Language Learning conference, which is an ACTFL initiative. It is only in about its...

The Hook: A Blind Taste Test
As I entered into the food unit, I started brainstorming fun and creative ways to engage students and hook them. So, I went straight to...

El Camino a la Competencia
Towards the end of January, I attended a Tell Collab conference in Seattle and not only did I leave with some strategies to implement...

When Vocabulary Becomes Student Driven
When learning is personalized, students will engage deeper with and have a better recall of the material. However, in world language...

Teaching Time, In No Time at All
When I first began teaching Spanish, I would take a whole week to teach time. We’d make clocks out of paper plates. We’d label each time,...

Pan de Muerto and Pineapples
Over the next three years I had the pleasure of watching him grow, mellow slightly, and turn into one of the hardest working students I...

From spaghetti on the wall.
From spaghetti on the wall, to cereal dumped on the dog, a distraught child because the swiss cheese has holes in it and the feeling of...